Arrival day and induction week

Arrival Day:

During Arrival Day, international mentors and university staff will welcome you and help you settle into your new life in Sweden. International mentors will meet you and then guide you through all the remaining stages of Arrival Day. Arrival day is organized for one or two days which is important, especially for those who are visiting a university abroad for the first time. The services on Arrival Day can be different in each university.

Student ambassadors and university staff will welcome you and help you settle into your new life in Sweden. Then new team welcomes you to the city’s central station and takes you to the building where you can register for the University, buy a Swedish sim card, collect the keys to your accommodation, buy some of your needs (IKEA is selling a bed package for a reasonable price which includes sheets, towels, etc.), eat some food and ask your questions. Next, a new team picks you up at your new address.

Please check your University’s website to get the information about settled Arrival Day dates for the autumn semester.

Orientation Day/Week

Orientation Day is a welcome seminar, or webinar, filled with information about practical matters such as healthcare, IT services, student life and Swedish language courses. The Orientation Day also includes a Welcome Fair where students will be able to meet and interact with staff from the University and discover the services provided.

Orientation week starts in late August just after you come to the destination city and continues for up to 2 weeks. It covers competitive game nights, fun competitions, crazy pubs, delicious dinners, and warm Swedish fika. It is important to participate in these events to make your student journey more amazing and find friends. It’s one of the best chances to meet new people from different programs and with different backgrounds and the most important part of it is having a chance to spend magnificent time and gain extra energy to start an intensive and astonishing autumn semester.

Welcome to Sweden!



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