
Situated in the northeastern part of Skåne, Kristianstad is the main centre of the region. The town combines the modern and the old and is situated in an area of great natural beauty. Kristianstad is also known for its cosy cafés, restaurants and shops.


If you are a tuition-fee paying student or have received a scholarship at Kristianstad University, the University will help you to find a room in a student room/dorm during your studies at Kristianstad. You will receive information via email, after you have been admitted, regarding the application procedure.

If you have been admitted after April 28 (or Nov 15 for the spring semester) and you do not have any accommodation, please contact one or several of the following companies:

You can find other companies and private landlords at:

Your future landlord might charge a deposit in connection with your taking up residence. The deposit may amount to three monthly rents. The sum will be repaid in full after an executed and approved inspection of the flat. Your landlord will answer questions concerning a possible deposit charge and the state of the flat after your removal.

Please, also observe that you have to pay the full price for the first and last month of your stay (January – June in the spring semester, August – January in autumn semester) even though you choose to come later / leave earlier. You will have to sign a Tenancy Agreement when you arrive.

If accompanied by family members please note that accommodation cannot be arranged by Kristianstad University, please turn to the companies listed above.

To be able to get a home assigned to you by Kristianstad Student Union at the student union, you must be admitted to a course or program of at least 15 credits at Kristianstad University. At the same time, you must also apply for housing yourself and report your searches before the Student Union can go ahead and find housing according to the guarantee.

Living expenses vary depending on personal needs. However, an estimated cost of living per month for a student in Sweden could be:

Food: SEK 2200

Accommodation: SEK 3300

Course literature: SEK 550

Other: clothing, leisure, telephone etc.: SEK 2450

Total: SEK approximate 8500


In all parts of Kristianstad, you can easily move by bike or on foot; there are plenty of trails that allow you to experience the beautiful landscape of the area. There are many opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities like canoeing, trekking and climbing; the area is well known also for its numerous beaches.

Kristianstad is situated within an easy reach of Europe by air or by train. High-speed trains connect Kristianstad to Copenhagen Airport, Copenhagen and Malmö. You can reach Malmö by train in one hour and Copenhagen within one and a half hours. You can thus enjoy the vibrant life of Malmö and Copenhagen whenever you want. Kristianstad airport offers direct flights to Stockholm and other cities.

Life in Kristianstad

Kristianstad municipality has a wonderful Biosphere Reserve known as Vattenriket, the Kingdom of water. Naturum, a newly-built nature centre, is situated close to the town centre and provides a number of displays illustrating the great biodiversity of the region. Here you can also enjoy beautiful views over a cup of coffee.

You may read more about cafes, restaurants and other social events via Kristanstad city’s website.



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