Swedish personal identity number
Overview The personal identification number (personnummer) is a 4-digit number following your date of birth in the format: YYMMDD-XXXX. It is obtained when you are registered in the Swedish population register. It is widely used for everyday purposes in Swedish society such as dealing with authorities, accessing health care, applying for a Swedish ID card, […]
Housing in Sweden can be an issue if you do not start to do research as soon as you are being offered by the university. There are several housing options depending on the university and city you have been offered. Luckily, Swedish universities offer you several accommodations, especially if you are from non-EU countries. […]
Guideline II for newcomer students in Sweden has been prepared to provide convenience for students who are planning to move to Sweden for their studies. The purpose of this Guideline II is to provide students with the necessary information for their convenience during their studies in Sweden, as well as to provide an opportunity to […]