Welcome Event 2023

🇦🇿🇸🇪 Dear friends, On September 10, 2023, our event took place in Stockholm and Lund, Sweden. Our event started with playing Shuffleboard game in both cities. After the fun game, our members gathered around a picnic table in the central park of both cities. Our social gathering, attended by a total of 35 members who […]
Hiking with SSANA

We are delighted to share with you the wonderful experience we had on July 9, 2023. Our esteemed members, as well as non-members, gathered together for a memorable hiking tour that left an indelible mark in our hearts. For information, we should note that hiking for the members was carried out with the financial support […]
Graduation BBQ Party in Sweden

Dear friends, On 3 and 6 June 2023, the social event “Graduation Day” was held in Stockholm and Lund, Sweden, respectively. The social event was organized in the cities of Lund and Stockholm, where most of our students and graduates are located, in the “BBQ” format in order to bring together Azerbaijani students studying in […]
“It’s Breakfast Time” With Newly Admitted Students To Swedish Universities 2023

Dear friends, On June 3, 2023, a social event called “It’s breakfast time” with newly admitted students to Swedish universities was held in Baku. The event was attended by current board members of SSANA and newly admitted students. The meeting was aimed at informing on the visa process, education in Sweden, accommodation, etc. SSANA Board […]
II social meeting of our members in Sweden

Dear friends, On February 18, 2023, the event named “II social meeting of our members in Sweden” focused on socializing and expanding relations was held in Lund, Sweden. The event, consisting of 3 parts, started with a joint lunch and continued with a city tour guided by Gushvar Panahi, a member of the […]
5th-anniversary event of AzSAB

The 5th-anniversary event of the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni of Benelux (AzSAB) was held in Baku, Azerbaijan. Deputies of the embassies of the Netherlands and Belgium in our country, graduates working in various state and private institutions, as well as the Advisory Council member of SSANA Ulvi Hasanzade participated in the event in the framework […]
EURO-2024 – Azerbaijan vs Sweden

Dəyərli SSANA üzvləri, 27 mart 2023-cü il tarixində AVRO-2024-ün seçmə mərhələsinin II turu çərçivəsində Azərbaycan və İsveç futbol üzrə milli yığmaları arasında qarşılaşma baş tutacaq. Üzvlərimiz arasında sosiallaşmağı təmin etmək məqsədilə SSANA üzvlərinin oyunu izləmək üçün biletləri tərəfimizdən qarşılanacaq. Odur ki, maraqlı qarşılaşmanı canlı izləmək və bizimlə sosiallaşmaq üçün qeydiyyatdan keçin. Tarix: 27 mart 2023-cü […]
II Annual Social Event

Dear members, On February 18, 2023, we invite each of you to our “2nd social meeting of our members in Sweden” event, which we organized for the purpose of socializing and expanding relations in Lund, Sweden. The event will be held within the framework of cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in […]
Kanelbulle Cooking Day with Autistic Children

Dear Friends, With the support of the Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet, Swedish Institute Alumni Network), organized by SSANA and DOST Volunteers, a social responsibility event called “Kanelbulle Cooking Day with Autistic Children” was held at the “Autism Center” of the “Together and Healthy” Public Union. At the event, which was attended by Mr Tobias Lorentzson, […]
“Networking” event organized by ASAP platform

Dear friends, With the support of the Youth Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the organization of ASAP, the next “Networking” event was held with the participation of the board and members of our organization. At the event where students who will study in foreign universities in the next academic year and representatives of […]