🇸🇪🇦🇿 Dear friends,
On the initiative and organization of SSANA, the training on “Plastic waste management: from awareness to mobility” carried out within the framework of cooperation with the “Green ASAN” program of the “ASAN Volunteers” Organization ended with the second part in the “case study” format on October 01, 2023.
The second part of the event was devoted to dividing participants into teams and each team studying the waste management system of a different country and making a presentation. The main goal of the research was to determine which practices used in different countries can be implemented in Azerbaijan.
As a result of the research on the topic, the most active members of the 5 teams, who researched and presented the experience of 5 different countries and interesting information, they received mentoring support related to studying abroad from the SSANA team.
We express our gratitude to the Swedish Institute and the ASAN Volunteer Organization for their support in organizing the training.
#SIalumni #swedenalumni #InclusiveSocieties